Thursday, 24 May 2007

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Dan Osman

Dan Osman is one of the biggest extremists nowadays and for sure he is the craziest one. He is a guru for a whole generation of climbers and everything vertical is his territory. He does things that no one else could think of doing, but he became famous mainly with his jumps from cliffs and walls higher than 400m secured only by a normal climbing rope. He has said very wise words. Similar things have occupied every climber’s thoughts.

"Yaeeeks! Are we actually doing this...? For fun...?!?"

"What's wrong with people these days? Can't just get a normal job. And be satisfied with normal types of success.... and accomplishments in life. Now we gotta hurl ourselves off of 1200 ft cliffs to prove that we can do it."

"Getting to the top is the best part cause the pain's all over"