Monday, 10 December 2007

A Birthday on the waterfalls

What a better way to celebrate a birthday than climbing a fews waterfalls. Waking up in 6:30, a couple of hours walking for getting closer and not to forget the constant -20 degrees. It was worthy I have to say! The photos here can prove it. Thank you all for your congrats and nice wishes! Safe and sound for at least another 28 years :-) And by the way I managed to present briefly on an event Canmore Ice Festival dedicate , as you can guess on ice climbing. Competations on a 40 meters artificial wall, classes, presentations...very interesting. For us, common people we were happy to be surrounded by the gods of the climbing and alpinism like Barry Blanchard, Will Gadd, Sean Isaac just not humans. And somehow it is feel good to drink a beer with them :-)

Friday, 23 November 2007

Bulgarian summer 2007

You can see the album here

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Motivational posters!


Another cool short movie by Pixar! I saw it before Ratatouille and to be honest I have not laughed so much for a very long time :-)

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Happy Birthday :-)

Exactly 25 year ago a man called Scott Fahlman, a scientist, decided to introduce some emotions in the Internet. For the first time he used so called smiles :-) and :-(
Today we all know what they mean and we use them every day (some of us use them even a few times per minute). So Happy Birthday!

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Dan Osman

Dan Osman is one of the biggest extremists nowadays and for sure he is the craziest one. He is a guru for a whole generation of climbers and everything vertical is his territory. He does things that no one else could think of doing, but he became famous mainly with his jumps from cliffs and walls higher than 400m secured only by a normal climbing rope. He has said very wise words. Similar things have occupied every climber’s thoughts.

"Yaeeeks! Are we actually doing this...? For fun...?!?"

"What's wrong with people these days? Can't just get a normal job. And be satisfied with normal types of success.... and accomplishments in life. Now we gotta hurl ourselves off of 1200 ft cliffs to prove that we can do it."

"Getting to the top is the best part cause the pain's all over"

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

This House Of Sky

Here there are a few shots of the waterfalls that we climbed on Saturday. The route is very long, more than 500m height, but quite easy and pleasant. Perhaps, it is more difficult to reach the place- one has to walk on steep, rough paths, cross a river and when gets out of the jeep has to walk 1.5 km on slippery rocks at 5-6 m above a river. A very wild and beautiful place! Fortunately, the weather was quite good, though it did not prevent me from getting more ill... and cutting my lip with a pickel :-)

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I am showing – this is how you do it :-)

And once we are up we have to go down, so we rappel down. The small blue spot is myself and at the background you can see the pitches of the waterfall.

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Bad day at the Matterhorn

It is always sad when people die in the mountains. It is even sadder when those people are Bulgarian alpinists. Three of them, incredible guys according to the comments of the people in the climbing sites, have passed away yesterday on the North Face of the Matterhorn. Rest in peace and hopefully everything has finished quickly.
For me personally the news is even more worrying since I hope to try climbing this amazing top next or next to next summer. Of course it is not going to be on the North Face. Most probably it will be on one of the easier ridges. Yes, I am always careful and take care of myself. You do it as well!

Monday, 29 January 2007

Sun-day sun-rise

...And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our soul...

Canadian Rockies, Canmore area