Monday, 10 December 2007

A Birthday on the waterfalls

What a better way to celebrate a birthday than climbing a fews waterfalls. Waking up in 6:30, a couple of hours walking for getting closer and not to forget the constant -20 degrees. It was worthy I have to say! The photos here can prove it. Thank you all for your congrats and nice wishes! Safe and sound for at least another 28 years :-) And by the way I managed to present briefly on an event Canmore Ice Festival dedicate , as you can guess on ice climbing. Competations on a 40 meters artificial wall, classes, presentations...very interesting. For us, common people we were happy to be surrounded by the gods of the climbing and alpinism like Barry Blanchard, Will Gadd, Sean Isaac just not humans. And somehow it is feel good to drink a beer with them :-)

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